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Earn Money on the Net - How to Build a Passive Income Stream on the Internet

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Earn Money on the Net - How to Build a Passive Income Stream on the Internet

 Since you are reading this article, I would assume you would like to earn money on the net. The fact is that as the years go by, more and more people will go on the internet to make an additional source of income and hopefully turn it into a full time income so you can be your own boss and travel to any country you want to and wake up at a time of your choosing. If that is your dream, then you are the same with me. In this article, I will show you how you can use the internet to make lots of money and hopefully fire your boss!

So how does one actually make money on the internet? Well, there are really many ways:-

1) Selling a product on the internet. Now if you have physical goods or things that you want to sell, they can easily be done through an online store. One such good place will be eBay or Amazon, where you can list your items for sale and thousands of people all over the world will be able to view what you are selling and place a bid on it. This is so much simpler than opening a physical store in the real world and its much cheaper as well.

2) Selling a service on the internet. If you are an expert on any area or have significant knowledge on it, you can sell it! There are many ways to do so. For example you can do freelancing on freelancing sites. Or you could do phone counseling where you just charge per min to the person who needs consultation from you. It can be anything from looking after your pet iguana to how you can buy and sell real estate. The potential is limitless. The key is that your expertise have to solve a problem. If your expertise solves a problem, you can make money from it.

3) You can earn money on the net by selling your time! Now what i mean by this is putting up an auction to run errands for the person who purchased your time. This is a very eccentric method i must admit but there are many people who are doing this on the internet and are making lots of money! There is this lady in china who sells her time by the hour block and you can purchase her time to do anything, anything that is legal of course. So she gets daily errands like running to the zoo to take a picture with a tiger, etc. And she is really make loads of money with that.

So you can see there are really many ways to earn money on the net and you should explore all possibilities and find out which one suits you best.
